Jason P. Van Vliet

Professor of Dogmatology
Academic Dean
B.A. Honors, Trinity Western University, 1992
M.Div., Theological College of Canadian Reformed Churches, 1996
M.Th., McMaster Divinity College, 2005
Th.D., Theological University of Apeldoorn, 2009
Dr. Van Vliet is professor of Dogmatology, after serving as a pastor for thirteen years. He completed a Th.D. at the Theological University in Apeldoorn in doctrinal studies, focussing on the teachings of John Calvin regarding the image of God.
Select Bibliography
Dissertation and Thesis
- Children of God: the Imago Dei in John Calvin and His Context. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009.
- Arbitrium Humanum: Liberum vel Liberandum? An Historical-Theological Study of John Calvin’s Doctrine of the Will. Thesis. McMaster University.
- Your Word Is Our Light: Celebrating Fifty Years of the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary. Edited by Cornelis Van Dam and Jason Van Vliet. Hamilton: Lucerna, 2019.
- Growing in the Gospel: Sound Doctrine for Daily Living. 3 vols. Hamilton: CRTS Lucerna Publications, 2016.
- Living Waters from Ancient Springs: Essays in Honour of Cornelis Van Dam. Edited by J. Van Vliet. Eugene: Pickwick Publications, 2011.
Articles and Essays
Psalms 42-49 and 84-85, 87-88 in Christ’s Psalms, Our Psalms: Study Resource. Edited by P. Holtvlüwer. Winnipeg: Reformed Perspective Press, forthcoming.
- “Let the Children Receive the Sign of the Covenant” in Children and the Church: “Do Not Hinder Them.” Edited by W. den Hollander & G. H. Visscher. Hamilton: Lucerna CRTS Publications, 2019.
- Your Word is our Light: Celebrating Fifty Years of the Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary. Edited by C. Van Dam & J. Van Vliet. Hamilton: Lucerna CRTS Publications, 2019.
- “The Freed Will: Can Augustine Teach Us to See Calvin in a New Light?” in Learning from the Past: Essays on Reception, Catholicity, and Dialogue in Honour of Anthony N. S. Lane. Edited by Jon Jon Balserak and Richard Snoddy. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2018.
- “Election: The Father’s Decision to Adopt.” Unio Cum Christo 4.2 (Oct 2018), 129-144.
- Psalms 42-49 and 84-85, 87-88 in Christ’s Psalms, Our Psalms: Devotional. Edited by P. Holtvlüwer. Vineland: LittleAngels Press, 2018.
- "Is Hell Obsolete? The Place of Eternal Punishment in Preaching Today” in As You See the Day Approaching: Reformed Perspectives on the Last Things. Edited by Theodore G. Van Raalte. Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 2016.
- “The Two Books Debate: What if Scripture and Science Seem to Say Different Things?” in Correctly Handling the Word of Truth. Edited by M. te Velde and G.H. Visscher. Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2014.
- “De mens volgens de Heidelbergse Catechismus” in Handboek Heidelbergse Catechismus. Edited by A. Huijgen, J. Fesko, A. Siller. Utrecht: J.H. Kok, 2013.
- “Specious Pacification and Pleasant Consensus: Calvin’s Ecumenical Efforts in 1549” in Living Waters from Ancient Springs: Essays in Honour of Cornelis Van Dam. Edited by J. Van Vliet. Eugene: Pickwick Publications, 2011. This essay was first presented at the Sixteenth Century Conference 2010 (Montreal, Canada).
- “‘As a son to his father’: An Overlooked Aspect of the Imago Dei in Calvin” presented at The International Congress on Calvin Research 2006 (Emden, Germany); publication of this speech in J. Selderhuis, ed. Calvinus sacrorum literarum interpres. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008.
- “The Freedom of the Will and the Fan of Fig Leaves : an Historical & Theological Investigation Concerning Baltasar Hubmaier's Anthropology with a Reformed Appraisal.” Koinoinia 20, Spring 2003.
- Various articles in Clarion, a magazine associated with the Canadian Reformed Churches, and Christian Renewal, a magazine associated with the United Reformed Churches of North America.