Dr. William den Hollander

Professor of New Testament
Dean of Students
B.A., York University, 2005
M.A., York University, 2006
M.Div., Canadian Reformed Theological Seminary, 2016
Ph.D., York University/University of Toronto, 2012
Dr. den Hollander became the professor of New Testament in 2020, after serving as a pastor for close to four years in Langley, British Columbia. He completed a Ph.D. in the Collaborative Programme in Ancient History at York University and the University of Toronto, with a focus on the first century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, who is a significant witness to the world of the New Testament. For further details, see his profile on Academia.edu.
Select Bibliography
- From Hostage to Historian: Josephus, the Emperors, and the City of Rome. Ph.D. dissertation, York University, 2012.
- Do Not Hinder Them: Children and the Church. Edited by William den Hollander and G. H. Visscher. Hamilton: Lucerna CRTS Publications, 2019.
- Josephus, the Emperors, and the City of Rome: From Hostage to Historian. Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity 86. Leiden: Brill, 2014. Shortlisted for the X Premio Romanistico Internazionale Gérard Boulvert.
Articles and Essays
- ““About to Disappear”: Hebrews 8:13 and the Destruction of the Temple,” in Troubling Texts in the New Testament: Essays in Honour of Rob van Houwelingen. Eds. Myriam Klinker-De Klerck, Arco den Heijer, and Jermo van Nes, 305–22. Contributions to Biblical Exegesis and Theology 113. Leuven: Peeters, 2022.
- “Christ (and) the True Temple,” Clarion 70:22 (October 29, 2021), 624–8.
- "To the Exiles: A First Century Letter for the 21st Century Church," Clarion 70:16 (Aug. 6, 2021), 455-8.
- "Reading through Ancient Eyes: Children, Households, and Baptism in the First-Century World,” in Do Not Hinder Them: Children and the Church. Ed. William den Hollander and Gerhard H. Visscher, 11-29. Hamilton: Lucerna CRTS Publications, 2019.
- “Dining with Dignity: Josephus’ Rhetorical Use of the Essene Common Meals,” in T & T Clark Handbook to Early Christian Meals in the Greco-Roman World. Ed. Soham Al-Suadi and Peter-Ben Smit, 19-30. Library of New Testament Studies. London: Bloomsbury Press, 2019.
- “A Plea to Read; or, The Story of a Boy, a Repairman, and the Truth,” Reformed Perspective 37.2 (2018), 24–7.
- “Historicus Practicus: John Calvin’s Use of Josephus in the Commentaries and Lectures,” Unio Cum Christo 2.1 (2016), 117–134.
- “Review: Vasily Rudich, Religious Dissent in the Roman Empire: Violence in Judaea at the Time of Nero. Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies. London; New York: Routledge, 2015." Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015.11.39.
- “Jesus, Josephus, and the Fall of Jerusalem: On Doing History with Scripture,” Hervormde Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies 71.1 (2015), Art. #2942, 9 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/hts.v71i1.2942.
- “Review: Acts of God in History: Studies Towards Recovering a Theological Historiography. Roland Deines, edited by Christoph Ochs and Peter Watts. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 317). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013." With P.H.R. van Houwelingen. Journal of European Theology 24.1 (2015), 90–91.
- “Josephus Reconsidered,” The Ancient Near East Today II.11 (Nov. 2014).
- “Review: The Jewish Revolt against Rome: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Edited by Mladen Popovic. (Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 154). Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2011.” Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic and Roman Period 44.3 (2013), 436–7.
For further bibliography details, see the profile on Academia.edu.