Update and Prayer Requests from CRTS – Christmas 2020

Thursday, December 10, 2020

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Please be assured that, by the grace and kindness of our God, we are doing well here at our seminary. We are entering the exam period of our Fall 2020 semester, which has certainly been different than any previous semester.  We have taken our initial steps into hybrid education, offering training for gospel ministry with about 80% of our students on campus and the other 20% online from South Africa, South Korea, and the Philippines.  Via an interactive video and audio connection, we have studied God’s Word together.  All in all, it has gone well, perhaps even better than expected, although the consensus remains strong: if it were possible for everyone to be on campus, that would certainly be preferable.  With the number of COVID cases rising in Canada and restrictions increasing, we are praying that we will be able to continue our next semester in January using the same hybrid format.  We must be patient and see what we are given from the hand of our Father in heaven.  We are also keenly aware that in some places in Canada and the USA, and perhaps elsewhere, in-person worship services are once again being severely restricted, or even forbidden, by the government.  To all our brothers and sisters living through those kinds of challenges, please be assured: as you faithfully pray for us at the seminary, so we are constantly upholding you in prayer to our glorious and gracious God.  Finally, here are some specific prayer requests:

  • Thank our God that he enabled us to make the transition to hybrid education and complete the entire semester without having to go entirely virtual instruction.
  • Please ask for the Lord’s blessing upon the students as they write exams and the professors as they mark all the assignments.
  • Petition our heavenly Father particularly on behalf of students who were hoping to return home to family and friends over the Christmas break but cannot do so due to restrictions and quarantines.
  • Pray for health and stamina for the entire seminary community of faculty, staff, and students.

May the LORD help us all grow in faith, hope, and love, as we commemorate the birth of our Saviour and step forward into a new year.  Undoubtedly, the challenges will continue, but even more assuredly our LORD will provide for our every need.  “For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen” (Rom 11:36).