Ecclesiology Courses
2307 - Church History
(Credits: 2)This course studies the history of the early and medieval church, with special attention to the doctrinal controversies of the period, the interaction of church and state, the work of Augustine, and the development of scholastic method in theology. Fall Semester.
2308 - Church History
(Credits: 2)This course begins in the late medieval era and then studies the history of the Protestant Reformation in Europe, with subsequent developments up to about A.D. 1800. Winter Semester.
3307 - Church Polity
(Credits: 2)This course begins with the biblical grounds for Reformed church polity, compares this to other forms of church polity, and then focuses on the offices, supervision of doctrine, and consistory by studying the articles 1-43 of the Church Order of the Canadian Reformed Churches. Winter Semester.
3308 - Church History
(Credits: 2)This course covers the period A.D. 1800 to present in European church history, particularly Dutch Reformed church history. The events of the Secession (1834), Doleantie (1886), Union (1892), Liberation (1944), as well as more recent events are studied in their historical context. Winter Semester.
4309 - Church Polity
(Credits: 2)This course surveys the articles 44-76 of the Church Order of the Canadian Reformed Churches. Through lectures and case studies, the class will study the practical aspects of the broader assemblies; worship, sacraments, and ceremonies; and church discipline in the Reformed tradition. Winter Semester.
4310 - Church History
(Credits: 2)This course covers church history in North America from the 16th c. to the present. Colonization, the Awakenings, the rise of Evangelicalism, and more recent Canadian developments receive attention. The history of the Canadian Reformed Churches (and a few other Reformed churches) is studied in this context. Winter Semester.