New Testament Courses
1204F - New Testament Greek
(Credits: 3)This course reviews New Testament Greek grammar and translation. Besides completing translation exercises in a workbook dealing with the basics of biblical Greek, students will translate selections of the New Testament. Fall Semester. This course is the prerequisite for 1204W.
1204W - New Testament Greek
(Credits: 3)The grammar and syntax of New Testament Greek is studied. Passages from the gospels, the Septuagint and the Apostolic Fathers are read. Winter Semester. Prerequisite 1204F.
1207 - Introduction to Hermeneutics and Exegesis
(Credits: 2)This course introduces students to the wide field of hermeneutics so that the student becomes more aware of all aspects of the reading and interpretive process. It also instructs the students in the principles and practice of interpreting the Scriptures in order to help equip the student for the task of exegesis. Winter Semester.
2204 - New Testament Greek
(Credits: 1)The grammar and idioms of New Testament Greek are studied. The readings concentrate on the Gospel according to Luke and Acts. Prerequisite: 1204 New Testament Greek. Fall Semester.
2205 - New Testament Background
(Credits: 3)This course deals with the larger Judaic and Greco-Roman context in which the New Testament events took place. Attention is given to the extrabiblical sources for much of that knowledge, to the intertestamental history, to the sects and movements that were current, and to other aspects of daily life in New Testament times. Fall Semester.
3204 - New Testament Greek
(Credits: 2)The grammar and idioms of New Testament Greek are studied. Readings are from the Pauline Epistles. Prerequisite: 1204 New Testament Greek. Fall and Winter Semester.
3205 - New Testament Canonics
(Credits: 4)The course deals with the grounds for and the history of the recognition of the books in the New Testament as holy and canonical. Further, these books are studied with respect to their place and purpose in the canon, and the contents of most of the books are surveyed. Fall Semester.
3206 - New Testament Exegesis
(Credits: 2)Selected chapters of the Pauline, Johannine or Petrine letters are studied with a view to their original context and their contemporary significance. Winter Semester.
4204 - New Testament Greek
(Credits: 2)The grammar and idioms of New Testament Greek are studied. The readings are from the book of Hebrews, the Catholic Epistles and Revelation. Prerequisite: 1204 New Testament Greek. Fall and Winter Semester.
4206 - History of Revelation in the New Testament
(Credits: 3)The concept of a "history of revelation" is discussed and attention is paid to how Christian thought develops from the teachings of the Lord Jesus in the Gospels to the writings of the apostle Paul. Winter Semester.
4207 - Advanced Hermeneutics and NT Exegesis
(Credits: 3)This course seeks to strengthen the student’s knowledge of significant hermeneutical and methodological principles and procedures with respect to hermeneutics and exegesis. It builds on the knowledge and skills gained in Hermeneutics 1207 by considering material at a more advanced level. In addition, this course deals with some of the hermeneutical challenges of reading Scripture, develops skills with respect to the narrative critical approach to Scripture, and then applies these methods learned specifically to passages of the Gospel according to John. Fall Semester.