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Displaying all results for topic 'January Interim 2024'

5 Result(s)



Thursday, January 11, 2024

Proclaiming the Doctrine of the God's Word: Using the Catechism Well in Worship

In Reformed churches catechism preaching, as it is often called, has been a staple in one of the weekly worship service for centuries. Long-standing practices, though, often need a fresh look. Why do we have this agreement in our church order? What questions have been raised about it, both in the past and the present? This speech explores the practice of preaching the doctrine of God's Word, using the time-honoured Heidelberg Catechism. It looks at the rationale underlying it and makes suggestions about how this kind of preaching can best serve God's people in our day and age.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Analogy or identification and the road to application

Application is the key for (reformed) preaching. But what can we say about responsible application? A case-study of four sermons about the same Biblical text gives us important insights. It’s all about analogy or identification between then and now.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Night Visions, Fasting, and Weary Shepherding: Reflections on Preparing and Preaching

Four horns, flying scrolls, a wicked witch: how does one preach on such night visions without getting night terrors or at least wondering along with the prophet himself “what are these, my lord” (Zech 1:9)? In this presentation, I will reflect on preparing and preaching from Zechariah without dreading it.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Personally speaking: The manner of addressing the congregation in preaching

What can the Book of Hebrews teach us about preaching? Hebrews is a sermon or exhortation which offers ministers wisdom for making well-timed and varied personal applications in preaching

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

The View from Above: Preaching from the Book of Revelation

Shortly before his retirement, Rev. Jan deGelder felt “confident” enough to start a series of sermons on the book of Revelation. As a kind of byproduct, this resulted in the publication of the book The View from Above: An Exposition of God’s Revelation to John (2020). In his presentation, Rev. deGelder will tell us how the sermon series came into being.